"Beer Nuts"
We are Bill and Alex. We are brothers and we play on a dart team from The Edge Bar in Manhattan's East Village. Most every season we would give the team a new name. We were called "Beer Nuts" when we made our first team T-shirts. Each player on "Beer Nuts" wrote their own slogan for the back of the shirt -- this one was Alex's. Some of the others were "Darts is as Darts does", "So Pretty", and "Watch My Back". We had them ready just in time for the Fall '96 B-division playoff tournament held in early February '97. Bill designed and rendered the "Mr. Beernut" image based upon the graphic for a popular brand of peanuts. He also did the dartboard graphic on the front pocket. |
Well, the Beer Nuts shirt did it's job, and we won the championship! Officially, we are "The Fall '96 NYDO Tuesday Night B-division Champions!" John, another brother, was finishing his first batch of homebrewed beer at about the same time. It was an English Bitter and he named it in honor of the championship we had just won. He called it the "The Sweet Taste of Victory Bitter." And it tasted good to boot. If you get a chance, and like real beer, try homebrewing your own. John says it's easy and we found the results to be spectacular! The shirt uses the bottle label graphics we made for the beer. Alex and Bill designed the labels for the beer bottles. Bill rendered them and Alex wrote the copy. He tried to keep it as non-partisan as possible. You will note that "Mr. Beernut" makes another appearence on the front pocket as does the dartboard graphic on the back. Aren't computers wonderful? |
"Pretzel Logic"
New season, new name & new shirts! We put this one together based on the popular optical illusion. Alex calls it the "Impossible Darts" logo. Alex did the design and Bill rendered it on the computer. Bill's getting to be quite a whiz with some of the graphics software. He is especially proud of the shadow effect. And the front pocket has a cool "Impossible Pretzel" that Alex did! |
Again, new season, new name & new shirts! But also a new night. Having gotten our butts thoughly kicked in the Tuesday A-division, we decided to combine the best of our team and the best of the Monday B-team, "The Equalizers", into a new super-team. The new team was called "The MudSharks" and together we won The Fall '97 NYDO Monday Night B-3 Sub-division Championship! Bill drew the mudshark which appears on the front pocket, and Scott, a new team mate, drew the image on the back of the tee. I believe it to be "F. Scott Fitzgerald" I'm not so sure of the literary reference, but the idea of a dart sticking out of someone's head as a team graphic had been with the team for a while. |