Back in London, Joey took on the task of preparing his fellow-countrymen for the coming of LSD. He exhibited the magnificent scroll with colored diagrams which Bart had designed to demonstrate the mechanisms of Brainbloodvolume, and he also composed an open letter to drug dealers about the advice they should give their clients on taking acid. A notable character in London at the time was Michael Holingshead, who had assumed that name in reference to the mystical third eye, or hole in the head, as a symbol of enlightenment. Holingshead was the original acid guru who had initiated Timothy Leary by giving him his first taste of LSD. His flat in Pont Street, Chelsea, was headquarters of the World Psychedelic Centre where neophytes could enjoy their LSD experience in a pleasant atmosphere with music and soft lights. Joey told him about Bart Huges's discoveries, but the guru was unreceptive to the idea of making a physical hole in his head, maintaining that the third eye should be considered purely as a symbol. But he was won over to the theory of sugar and fruit-juice as an aid to LSD-trippers, and he helped circulate the open letter among acid dealers. The World Psychedelic Centre became so popular that it attracted the attention of the police, who closed it down and arrested its officials, Joey included. In the Magistrate's Court he spoke eloquently in defence of LSD, elaborating on a text from Bart Huges's writings, 'The evolutionary religion protects the right of the individual to have his own blood in his brain.' The Court was evidently impressed and fined Joey £20, considerably less than the other defendants. Early in 1966 money was raised to bring Bart Huges over to London and lodge him in a Chelsea flat. LSD was the sensation of the time, and there were many who believed that the unique experiences and insights it provided were about to revolutionize patterns of thought and behavior throughout the world. The press was full of the subject, and Bart and Joey were much in demand for lectures and interviews. Inexperienced in the ways of journalists, they had supposed that their theories would be reported as seriously as they were expounded. They were soon disillusioned. After a lecture they gave at the respected bookshop, Better Books, they were approached for an interview by two journalists of the Sunday newspaper, The People. Their attitude was sympathetic, Bart and Joey accepted them as genuine seekers after truth and they spent a whole night together in deep study of Brainbloodvolume and trepanation. Eager to see how the message had been presented to the world, Joey was out first thing Sunday morning for the paper. In it was a crude article about Bart under a banner headline: THIS DANGEROUS IDIOT SHOULD BE THROWN OUT. Wild, virulent articles in the popular press about the orgies of drug-fiends were varied by occasional attempts on the part of journalists to present the LSD phenomenon in serious terms. The results were sometimes ludicrous, as when the BBC asked Joey to arrange for their team to televise a group of acid-takers. Recording rational interviews with people on LSD proved no easy task; George Andrews, veteran author and cannabis-smoker, managed to recite some poetry, but nothing coherent emerged about the advantages of sugar and trepanation. In the end the BBC had to fill in with shots of some writhing figures, as if suffering from belladonna poisoning, which they presented as victims of a bad LSD trip. Bart Huges's ideas had their best reception among artists and bohemians. Among those impressed was Heathcote Williams, who published a dialogue between Joey and Bart in the literary Transatlantic Review and made a trepanation scene the climax of his award-winning play, AC/DC. An important convert was Julie Felix, a world-famous (in London) American singer in the style of Joan Baez. She was eager to promote the doctrine of trepanation and recorded some the propaganda songs which Joey had composed, including "Brainbloodvolume", "The Great Brain Robbery" and "Sugarlack". The time came when Joey felt he had preached enough and that he now had to act. He did not agree with Holingshead that the third eye was merely a figure of speech, believing in its physical attainment through self-trepanation. Support for this can be found in archaeology. Skulls of ancient people all over the world give evidence that their owners were skillfully trepanned during their lifetimes, and many of these appear to have been of noble or priestly castes. The medical practice of trepanation was continued up to the present century in treatment for madness, the hole in the skull being seen as a way of relieving pressure on the brain or letting out the devils that possessed it. By his scientific explanation of the reasons for the operation, Bart Huges had removed it from the area of superstition, and Joey Mellen proposed to be the second person to perform it on himself in the interest of enlightenment. Bart had become a close friend of Amanda Feilding, and they went off to Amsterdam together while Joey took care of Amanda's flat. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for to bore a hole in his head. >>>>>