Many writers have tried to describe the effects of drugs such as LSD, mostly without conveying very much. Joey's effort in Bore Hole is at least intelligible: 'I felt brilliant, god-like, able to understand everything. At the same time as being fascinated by the way I could see things as though through a magnifying glass, I could hear all the sounds of the town outside the house as well as those inside, and each perception registered quite clearly, distinct from all the others though related to them, like the various instruments in an orchestra. Now I knew what eternity meant. Time seemed to stop and still everything was moving. I was ecstatic. I kept eating sugarlumps. I could feel that this was the energy I needed to get round this universe in my brain.'

The eating of sugar during the LSD trip was due to another of Bart Huges's discoveries. His explanation for the effects of taking drugs was that they cause constriction of the veins carrying blood from the head back to the heart, thus raising the volume of blood in the capillaries from which the brain takes nourishment. This is in the form of oxygen and glucose, so if there is not enough sugar in the blood, the brain is liable to pangs of starvation, resulting in feelings of unease or horror and, as they say, a bad trip. Those under Bart's influence made sure that they took plenty of sugar, fruit juice and other sweet things with their LSD, claiming that their drug experiences were thereby made delightful and never became frightening.

It was not so with other people. As the powerful acid (lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD) made the rounds of Ibiza, the sensations of awe and ecstasy it first inspired quickly turned to fear. It is a drug which accentuates all perceptions, including self-awareness, and many who took it casually for pleasure were shaken to the core by the images of themselves encountered under its influence. Waves of paranoia swept over the drug-fanciers of Ibiza. Dr. Huges diagnosed sugar-lack, and he and Joey did their best to spread the word about sugar-cubes and 'Brainbloodvolume' among the stricken acid heroes. It was in vain. No one seemed to have time or patience for their lectures about the connection between sugar, the brain and LSD. There was a nasty scene when Joey introduced a French woman tourist to acid, insisting that she take sugar with it. She had previously been drinking, and her combined ingestions caused her to vomit and lose control. She fled to her husband who accused Joey of trying to poison her. >>>>>